Focus: Revelation 2:17 - KJV
17. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Revelations 2:12-17
The Lord has proclaimed that judgment shall begin from the house of God. One would then wonder, what can be amiss in the house of God to warrant judgment commencing there? The beginning and the ending sees farther than any other being can. He looked to the Church in the days of the disciples of old and sent warnings to them. For instance, to the Church in Pergamos he asserted that there were members like Balaam casting stumbling block before others. That is still prevalent today. Indeed, like He said then, there are still in the Church, those who hold on to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, assuming that because they claim to be born again, they are at liberty to sin. All of these are contrary to the mind of God.
The Lord is on the lookout for those who will overcome such falsehood and standout to the very end by sticking to the truth. For them, the Lord has special things which are not common neither available to everyone. There is something called the hidden manna. It is different from that eaten in the wilderness that could not prevent death. This manna gives life and will be offered to the overcomer. Aside this, the overcomer will receive a white stone, a special gift from the Lord which contains special name for the bearer, which no other person knows, as it also reveals the unrevealed name of God. What a privilege.
The one who will overcome will heed the warning of the Spirit as He speaks to the Church, avoiding the styles of Balaam by ensuring no stumbling block is laid before any of the brethren. Anything that is a lie is a stumbling block and it is aimed at causing the brethren to derail. He will also ensure he abstains completely from sin and stop teaching others to sin by his sermons and conduct. God has no interest in killing anyone for He Himself says thou shall not kill. Asserting and prophesying the death of fellow men, not to talk of a member of the household of faith is ungodly and will lead many astray who believe in the proponent of such position. Let us avoid it like a plague. If we must therefore, overcome, we must look unto Jesus alone and abide by whatsoever He approves.
SOLUTION: Be holy even as the Lord your God is holy. That is the rule for overcoming. Listen not to the Nicolaitans, neither operate in the ministry of Balaam. Be focused on Christ and the truth He has laid down for us: the narrow way. It is the overcoming way.
Please pray: Father, we know you are constantly speaking by your Spirit to the Church. Help us to be attentive and obedient to your voice dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Please keep us on the overcoming side to the very end, that we do not become casualties on the way by any means, in Jesus’ name.
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