Focus: 2 Corinthians 10:5 - KJV
5. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
The place where the battle of life is drawn, fought and won is in the mind of man. In actual fact, Satan has no power to assert over man again as he has been defeated by Christ over two thousand years ago, whereupon Jesus declared that all power is given unto Him. Since Satan knows this, he actually fights the man in his mind to make the man utilize his own power to self-destroy his being. No wonder it is written, as he thinketh, so he is. Hence, the enemy ensures he creates strongholds in the minds of man to make him think, particularly that God is not able to do what He says He would do. Be assured that God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above what we ask or think, only according to the power that works in us. Knowing this, the enemy tries, through the creation of strongholds in us, to make the power in us work fear, rather than faith.
When David was to confront Goliath, the power in him worked faith while Saul and his entire army had the stronghold of fear in them. God brought the power in David to bear. For the Christian, outside the stronghold of fear, the enemy further creates the stronghold of disobedience through lusts and immorality. And since you are the servant of whom you obey, the one that yields to such stronghold becomes the servant of the enemy. He also instills in the Christian the thoughts of ancestral curses and all manner of lies, such as the Lord already dealt with on the cross. Once this is allowed to glue unto the mind, it becomes a stronghold that prevents excellence and it brings forth only the power of negativity.
Beloved, we can be the persons God wants us to be if we cast down the strongholds of the devil that are being created in our minds. That thing that is causing fear is a stronghold: do cast it down; that immoral thought that makes us think unrighteous things, is a stronghold: cast it down. The Lord Jesus has already set us free from the curse of the law. Anyone still bearing such thoughts of curses is putting himself in satanic bondage created in his mind. Meanwhile, whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. Stop allowing the enemy to rob you of your victory: cast the stronghold down. Is it that you believe you are not making progress because of your abandonment in your childhood? The Lord has always been your father to bring you up till this day. Your inability to rise beyond your present point is because of the stronghold in your mind. Start renewing your mind today by casting down the stronghold. You have the victory.
SOLUTION: Let not your heart be troubled. Cast down every stronghold of immorality, iniquity, negativity and disobedience today. Renew your mind by believing only what the Lord assures. Victory is certain.
Please pray: Father, I hold on to the victory that I have in Christ Jesus, pulling down therefore, every stronghold that seeks to draw me away from it. Create in me the right spirit from today, blocking out every stronghold-dart and not letting them penetrate my mind, in Jesus’ name. From today, my victory will show for all to see, in Jesus’ name.
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