Focus: Luke 5:16 - KJV
16. And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.
Mark 1:32-39
Every Ambassador worth his salt knows that he has no authority by himself but that as a representative of his home country, his authority to act flows from there. When there is a break between the home country and the Ambassador, the Ambassador is left in the cold and has no authority to function any longer. Jesus came into the world as the Ambassador of the father in Heaven and He recognized this so much. While He operated on earth, He asserted authority over sicknesses, devils and all manner of unclean spirits. But He took His script from the home office in Heaven. That is why He said, He did nothing except those things approved of the father or those things He saw the father do. How did He do this? He found time to refuel after every major stride, aside His regular communion with the father. He would find a solitary place to pray alone, and commune with the father. There, He refueled and thereafter, He kept dishing out miracles. Look, for example, at what happened at the tomb of Lazarus. To every observer, He lifted up His face to heaven and prayed. However, the prayer was simply thanking God for having heard Him. But when did He pray that God heard Him before approaching Lazarus’ tomb? One of those times He went into a solitary place to refuel, that must be.
Friends, as Christ came to earth as the Ambassador of Heaven, He has returned to the home office but not without passing to us the baton to continue as the Ambassadors in His stead. That is why He said to us that as the father sent Him, so send He us. Like Christ therefore, we need to be mindful of the need to refuel from time to time. Many Ambassadors of Christ have had to be retired prematurely to sleep because they got their fuses burnt on duty when they spent their fuel and kept on going on without refueling. That we may finish well and strong, let us emulate the ways of Christ our Head.
SOLUTION: Never go it all alone. Always seek the face of the Lord for your actions. Create time to seclude yourself unto prayer. Even God is seeking for opportunity to speak with you. Don’t wait for something negative to happen before seeking His voice and instruction.
Father, we thank you for choosing us to be your representatives on earth. From today, please grant us more strength to withstand the kingdom of darkness on your behalf in Jesus’ name. As we continue as your representatives, please prevent us from burn out in our actions for you, in Jesus’ name. In accordance with your word, from this day on, even before we call on you, answer us in Jesus’ name.
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