Key verse: Colossians 3:23-24
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
2 Kings 2:23-24
God is the best person anyone can crave to serve. He is the best employer ever and loves worthy service. He pays better than any employer there can ever be. But in His employment, He desires that the employee focuses on Him as the recipient of the effect of all acts and deeds, not necessarily any third party. For instance, an employee of a multinational organization in the telecoms industry, though services a supposed customer, the effect of such service is on the company itself and not necessarily just on the customer. No wonder David said in the Psalms “against you, you only, have I sinned, and done this evil in your sight”, in acknowledging that every of his misdeeds against man was directed at God. That is why we all, as the creatures and moreover, “employees” of the Most High who has directed that we occupy till He comes, must realize that all we do in occupation till He comes have direct impact on Him as a person.
The message of God today therefore, is to guard our actions properly so as not to infringe His person. Whatever we do unto another, we do unto God. At times, we are wont to get misguided by the actions of certain actors in the days of scripture to want to emulate them simply because the author of the script mentioning such action did not say anything to show the act was condemned or condemnable. One of the reasons why the good book says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The Author of life recommended only one being in scripture to follow and He called Him “My beloved Son”. Outside Him, when Paul said, “emulate me”, he quickly put a caution to say, “as I emulate Christ”. Hence, in all sense, Christ is the one to follow. Elisha misused power and caused sorrow in many homes because of the misadventure of little children. This act was never unto the Lord who is Love!!! Peter’s destruction of Ananias and Sapphira rather than feeding the Lord’s sheep was not either. What the Lord would appreciate you and I do in either circumstance will be to correct in love and bring the wrongdoers to repentance thereby reconciling them to the father, not annihilate them. That is done unto the Lord.
What is the expected result of that action you have taken or about to take? If it is hurting, it will hurt God. If it is pleasurable spiritual-wise, then it will bring pleasure to God. The sooner we take a thought about this before acting, the better for us in our life journeys.
Pray: Help me Lord to be a worthy Ambassador of Yours in Jesus name.