Key verse: Psalms 34:14
Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
Psalms 34:11-17
God is the Commander of the universe and His eyes see every aspect of life in the entire spectrum. Deeper still, He judges the intents of the hearts and not just mere actions. As many as there are people upon the earth, God knows every individual occupant of the planet just like a landlord knows all his tenants. As He judges the intents of the hearts, He abhors wickedness or evil and gives credence and support to righteousness or being good.
Cornelius in the days of scripture, was recorded to be a good man who was fervent in giving alms to the poor. This act was counted as righteousness unto him and what he required to become a child of God was sent and delivered to him on a platter of gold. That was because he was good. On the converse side, when the children of men decided to build a tower in Babel, though they were operating in unity, God scattered them and their language because their thoughts were evil. If anyone desires peace, as God is the custodian of peace, the same ought to do good and stick with doing so. When trouble arises, God delivers them. Peace is a pursuit. It does not come ordinarily. The enemy will always rear up adversities and turmoil for man. When we recognize the wiles thereof, we are to pursue peace with all men so that we can remain in doing good on the side of God.
Some may ask what is it we do to be good? We identified what Cornelius did. Please do the same. And more importantly, God has implanted His laws in our hearts to the extent that we know what is good and what is evil. We all therefore know how to do good even though many renege from doing same. Nevertheless, to him that knows to do good and fails to do so, it is a sin. It is evil for us to hurt a neighbor deliberately by coveting and taking his belongings; it is evil to withdraw our hands from meeting the needs of a person in need while we can afford it; it is equally evil to fail to acknowledge God in our endeavors. The story of the good Samaritan in the Bible shows us that titles and callings do not make one good but the acts of kindness that we perform towards our neighbors. The Lord is giving us an opportunity to show kindness today. Why don’t you pause for a moment to think about that good you can do to put smiles on faces today and proceed to achieve that which you have thought of. God in turn will attend to your needs today.
Pray: Father, I strive to be good to others in your name. please help me to achieve goodness and kindness always that I may forever enjoy peace in Jesus name