Key verse: Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Acts 3:1-8
God is a faithful Master. When He sends anyone on errand He backs him up. He asked Elijah to face king Ahab and showed up for him on Mt. Carmel with fire from heaven consuming earthly sacrifice. Through ten major plagues He backed Moses up against Pharaoh. He showed up for Joshua in battle raining bombs upon his opponents from the sky. When He sent Jesus as the Christ, He made sure that He anointed Him with the Holy Ghost and power such that He performed unprecedented miracles that caused many in Israel to be held in awe.
Upon the full ransom of man from the wages of his sin, Christ commissioned us to take over the reins of the earth first by causing others to understand what has been done for them by witnessing to them and through the truth, having them freed from the bondage of sin and the stronghold of Satan. But in doing this, knowing without signs and wonders they would not believe, He promised to be with us ‘alway’, even to the end of the earth. Almost immediately thereafter, when the disciples had been empowered by the Holy Spirit, Peter and John were moved to witness and put signs and wonders into action for the first major time in their lives without the Master being physically present. They invoked the name of Jesus and miracle happened at the beautiful gate. This, because the Lord did not leave them.
The same One who promised then and fulfilled for the Apostles is still alive and with us today. He is with us to back up our faithful works in ministry that signs and wonders may follow if we will trust Him. Though He be invincible, He is with us as promised. All we need is to believe Him for His word. Let us therefore act in faith going forward concerning that situation that seems insurmountable. As you confront the same today in the mighty name of Jesus, knowing that He is with you, that situation will give way to the Lordship of the Christ through you in Jesus name. the counsel of God to you is be bold and of good courage. Moses did not see the first born of beings in an entire nation die without the use of a sword before until it happened for him in Egypt. You shall see the power of God today.
Pray: Father, thank you for being our Emmanuel. Please back us up for the glory of your name in all our deeds in righteousness from now on better than ever in Jesus name.