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Envy Not Sinners

Focus: Proverbs 23:17-18 - KJV

17. Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long. 18. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

2 Corinthians 1:18-20

God has been presented to us in many ways for us to understand His being and personality. The thing about Him is that He is never an author of confusion. When He makes a promise, He sees it to performance. Even though circumstances of life make some promise to appear lingering, the One who made the promise will sure see it to performance. He however detests covetousness and such acts that make it seem He is not real. There are people who prosper in iniquity. They steal, rob, kill to be rich. Some others are just all about adultery and crass immorality because of their wealth. They flaunt their escapades before others as if to say “you don’t know what you are missing”. Meanwhile, the reality of the matter is, they do not know what they are losing by their ill actions. When some well meaning people observe them in their iniquities, they tend to envy them. God is clear about such. We need not envy sinners who appear to be thriving. The point is they are like the ram being fed by the farmer for barbeque. If God had promised you something, you need not envy the sinner in his position; just place your expectation on God’s promise and the same shall never be cut off. For God’s promises are in Him yea, and in Him Amen; not nay nay, yea yea.

God had shown Joseph he was going to be ruler someday. He ended up being a slave in Potiphar’s house. The man, Potiphar occupied an enviable position in his society. Rather than Joseph envying him and lift up the skirt of the wife, Joseph decided to fear God and wait on His promise. At the end, though it is not so written, but the man Potiphar must have at least admired Joseph’s more enviable position.

SOLUTION: Keep your eyes away from the pleasures of the sinner as it will end abruptly someday; but position your eyes on the promise of God. Don’t allow yourself to be lured by the lust of the eyes. It tends only to destruction in the end.

May the Lord keep you away from the corruption that emanates from the king’s evil table in Jesus name. May He fulfil His promises to you speedily and without any further delay in Jesus name. May those whom you would have had to envy in their iniquity come to envy you in the end in Jesus name. Please be resolute. Focus on God.

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