Key verse: 1 Peter 5:2
Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
Read: 1 Corinthians 9:1-19
The mind of Christ is that everyone in whom there is kingdom investment should in turn invest in others. In other words, it is by God that you have learnt so much about the Kingdom; for the expansion thereof, you need also to present yourself unto God for Him through you to teach others. Christ had died and resurrected. He had prevented some from touching Him as He was yet to present Himself to the Father. That presentation was to be done upon His ascension. But rather than ascend, He first went to seek Peter and other Apostles that he took with him to fish. This He did just to re-orientate Peter properly that his calling was to fish for men and to feed them into full stature in God. He therefore commanded Peter to FEED His flock, before He finally ascended. This part of life is so critical to Christ in His assignment that we need not toy with it.
However, in feeding the flock, although we are entitled to gifts and presents from those we are so feeding in the form of a gain, we should not allow this to be the driving motive of our engagement. Like Paul declared, it is a taboo not to feed the flock of God whether they do reciprocate your kindness or not. We are to do this feeding willingly and not grudgingly or by constraint. Some engage in it for filthy lucre. This has only one likely effect: it makes the glorying of the one so engaged, void. Beloved, God is particular about the wellbeing of His flock. He knows the laborer is entitled to his hire and therefore will not allow your labor to go unrewarded. Indeed, your reward is in the shining of the flock that you feed for Him, if you understand it. Going about it for filthy lucre will only mess up the profit thereof from the outset. Compulsorily we must preach the Gospel unto others as we also were preached to. But, by all means, let us do it in the right way.
Stop taking advantage of the flock the Lord has put in your care. This is not directed at Pastors only or at all. You are God’s representative to feed the flock in that organization that you are. Your taking negative advantage of the people under you is a misrepresentation of the Christ you profess. People are watching you and you will answer to God concerning them. Kindly repent.
Pray: Father, please equip me the more to feed your flock willingly and gloriously and help me not to fail you in anyway in Jesus name.