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God’s acceptable Service

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Text: Rom.14:17-18

17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 18 For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

Bible Reading:

Acts 4: 1-21


When the Lord was to introduce the Kingdom of God to Nicodemus, it was that the latter acknowledged a difference in the ways of Christ that made Him different from other known teachers from experience. He stood out. Then Nicodemus was made to know there is a Kingdom of God which can both be seen and entered. But that kingdom is not characterized by the world attributes of vain merriment, laughter without in-depth joy, hypocrisy and turmoil that brings sleeplessness. Rather it is a kingdom of power characterized by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Anyone who has integrity in his actions and deeds, of whom heaven and earth testifies is the one that belongs to the Kingdom; Not someone whom men will acknowledge in his presence and mock as a liar and hypocrite behind. When you lead a righteous life, you become acceptable unto God and men approve of you. Check your deeds: are they acceptable unto God? The disciples operated in righteousness and therefore were fearless when confronted by the custodians of the law. Although through the hypocrisy in the said custodians, they disapproved the acts of the disciples, yet since the disciples operated in righteousness it became difficult to distort their peace as they were approved of men. It is not enough that you are approvable by men who can only see your actions and not your heart. The other children of Jesse appeared so approvable unto Samuel but not acceptable unto God. What is the testimony of heaven about you? Make amends today and see how God bestows the characters of the Kingdom on you. You will experience joy and peace from today as you serve God in righteousness henceforth.


Father, let your peace and joy be my companion from now on in Jesus name. 

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