Focus: Romans 8:14 - KJV
14. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
John 1:6-13
When Israel departed from Egypt and headed for the land of Canaan, they encountered a foe in the Amalekites, who was against them passing by their territory. Moses, being the leader of the pack realized that, no matter how fierce the army led by Joshua may be, there was no way they could overcome the foe without the help of the supernatural. Hence, as Moses took charge of the spiritual battle standing on top of the mountain with his hands raised, lifting up the rod of God, Joshua fought literally; and for as long as Moses was sustained, he won. In our day and age, we wrestle not with flesh and blood: our Amalekites are spiritual wickedness in high places. Hence, the Bible enjoins us to not only fight (pray) in the Spirit like Moses, but also to fight (pray) in the understanding like Joshua. Praying in the Spirit is however available only to the sons of God. They are those that are born first of flesh and blood but have found a rebirth by the Spirit, by believing in Jesus.
The ability to pray in the Spirit is borne out of being born again and being under the pupilage of the Holy Spirit from then. Not like those who are schooled to speak something in the name of praying in the Spirit, or practicing under the directive of a human tutor. Like a newborn grows into speech, those who are born again and receive power to become sons, grow into speech in the Holy Ghost. When they speak, they speak mysteries. When they pray in the spirit, the Holy Spirit prays through them and therefore they do not pray amiss. Guess what: they are instructed and led by the Holy Spirit who dwells in them just like He led Moses to lift the rod on the mountain against the Amalekites.
Beloved, we live in the days of the book of Revelations. All the predictions in that book are already getting fulfilled in our sight. The return of the Lord is imminent; but before then, the enemy is already railroading many to hell by his activities. To be an overcomer, you need to become one of the sons of God. The way to know is premised in your being led by the Spirit of God. What that translates to is that the Spirit guides your every move to prevent you from falling prey of the enemy and ensuring that you operate in the will of God. Now that we wrestle with fiercer enemies than the Amalekites of Moses’ time, you must be led to pray first in the Spirit and then in the understanding, based on the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is written that effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avails much. To be adjudged righteous, you must be led by the Spirit and thereby be son of God.
SOLUTION: The Holy Spirit does not relate with those who do not know Christ. Christ introduces the believer to the Spirit. If you must be a son of God, you must first believe in Jesus and receive the power (the Holy Spirit is the giver thereof) to become son of God. Until you become a fiery tongue prayer, you cannot prevail in spiritual battles. Activate the process now, for tomorrow may be too late.
Please pray: Father, I depend absolutely on your Spirit to overcome the travails of this end time. Do put your mark of sonship on me that every time I speak, it will be according to the leading of your Spirit and therefore appropriate, in the name of Jesus. Please grant me victory in all present and future battles in Jesus’ name.
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