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Redemption For Souls

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: Psalms 34:22 - KJV

22. The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.

Psalms 34:1-10

There is a guarantee of redemption for everyone that serves the Lord. Redemption in the sense that he has rest for his soul and whenever there is a problem, when he calls upon the Lord, He answers him. Some may point fingers at people they assume are serving God who seem not to be redeemed in their troubles. It brings to issue the idea of serving the Lord: who is the Lord’s servant? Even Christ said not everyone that calls me lord, lord shall inherit the Kingdom of God. That points to the fact that service unto God is not about activity but genuineness of purpose. As some have judged, many may be serving their stomachs in the name of serving God, others may be doing it for showmanship while others are just out to deceive. For everyone, there is a reward in the end. But those who truly serve their God are never forsaken. Although the young lions do lack and suffer hunger, the word of God says they will not lack any good thing. That is so comforting. Those who serve the Lord are brightened in their persons and ways. God is good to them always. Although it is not the case all the time, but more often than not, when there appears to be a downward trend in the graph of life, the first thing to check is whether or not we are truly serving God.

Dear friend, in what way do you serve the Lord? As young Christians, we had a team of God servers that trusted God together. Some of us decided to serve as ushers, teachers in the Sunday School, Choristers and even Security etc. But there was this brother who said his own service was just in supplying the need of the church that would make every other person to function. Soon, others joined his ministry. Before long, they all were doing better than many in the other callings. These ones served the Lord. Did the others not? Well, only God determines true service effectively as there is no better judge than Him. Bottom line is, those who joined the brother’s team showed evidence of redemption better than others. You can also serve the Lord better somehow from now.

SOLUTION: Serve God sincerely and with integrity. Hypocritical service is no service. Serve to please God and not man. Obey them that are put in authority over you. Let the Lord be able to testify of you that you are a faithful servant.

Father, I wish to serve you with all my heart, strength and life. Please grant me the grace to do so in Jesus’ name. As the earnest expectation of creatures await the manifestation of the sons of God, please count us worthy to be named among your sons by the reason of our closeness to you through the blood of Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name. No matter what, do keep us in your faithful service till we meet with you in glory in Jesus’ name.

Please share to others. God bless you as you do.

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