Key verse: Ephesians 2:19
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
Read: Acts 5:1-6
A saint is someone recognized as eminent for piety or virtue. His personality and character can be vouched for by many and he is one of whom God attests. Job was a man of proven character and integrity. Although his friends who should know better cast aspersions on his integrity, God who knows all things and sees not with the eyes of man gave a great testimonial of Job. To God, he was a saint. At the time of Job, it took great work to attain such stature with God, the ransom for the soul of man having not been manifest.
However, in this dispensation, by the sacrifice of God on the tree for the remission of the sin of man, the flood gates have been opened unto every man that believes and accepts to become like the original saints. This grace brings man out of the struggle for integrity and the attending failures to it. Although David was a man after God’s heart, his integrity was called to question when he became a murderer in wickedness. But God has given to us an example of righteous living through the Lord Jesus Christ who came to show us the way to live. The tendency is for some to assume because of the grace that was given for us to live devoid of sin, then one can live as he likes. Far from it. To whom much is given, much is desired. Although the misdeeds of many like David who did not have the example of Christ to draw from will be pardoned or winked at for coming up in the days of ignorance, the same will not be said for those who live in the dispensation of grace. Ask Ananias and Sapphira. No wonder the good book warns us all to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
True it is that we are no longer strangers to the throne and household of God because of the righteousness of Christ. That is great and cheering. Nonetheless, in the household of God, holiness and purity is the watchword. For anyone to continue the citizenship, he must practice the same. Hence, it will be foolhardy to live in filth and expect to be a part of the household still. There is excommunication for those who fail to abide. To remain saints therefore, we are to abide strictly by the rules of the household. It will therefore be right to say that the season of grace does not endow the Believer with the right to careless living but places greater responsibility on him to shine the light.
Pray: Father help me to shine your light that I may remain a member of your household perpetually in Jesus name.