Key verse: 2Cor.9:6-7
6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Read: Genesis 8:20-22
God is someone that should be honored in all ramification of life. There is nothing that anyone has that he brought into the world. Rather, all things are obtained from God whether directly or indirectly. The mind of God towards man is of good and not evil. But since man fell from grace, every man that honors God through a sacrifice or offering invokes for himself a blessing that obviates all curses in operation over his life.
To sow is to plant and for every planting there is an expected harvest. When we give an offering, or sacrifice to God, we are planting a seed for which there is meant to be a harvest. When Adam sinned, curses pursued and overtook him. He sought no forgiveness neither did he repent. But then, his sons Cain and Abel gave offerings unto God. Cain being the elder would have caused a blessing to erase the curses pursuing mankind if his offering was accepted. Even the one of Abel that was accepted was aborted by his murder which brought greater wicked seed for which there was further harvest of curses. Until Noah’s offering, man only reaped thorns and thistles from his labor. Once Noah’s offering was accepted, a blessing, precisely like the initial one for mankind was pronounced.
For your good seed to provoke great harvest of blessings, you must be purposeful in sowing it. And, it is the quantum of seed and the soil on which it is planted that primarily determine the size of the harvest.
Incidentally, sowing and reaping is not only about offerings and sacrifice. It is the baseline for human relations which is measured by love. Whatever deed of man is a seed and will return in the form of a harvest someday. Sow kindness and reap a bundle of joy with kindness; sow wickedness and reap the same in multiple fold. This has nothing to do with calling or standing. It is settled supernatural law. Mind what you sow. The harvest is coming, very soon. And because the seed is always too little compared to the eventual harvest, there is need for great caution.
Pray: Father, forgive all my misdeeds of the past by wiping them off with your blood. Please make me reap bountifully the harvest of my good deeds and help me never to do evil again in Jesus name.