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The Good Shepherd

Focus: John 10:11 - KJV

11. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

John 10:7-14

A sheep, though gentle and somewhat obedient, is a seemingly naïve creature. But the shepherd knows how to tend the sheep. Keep it safe and nourished. The reverse is the case of the hireling: he is like a thief. Though he appears to tend the sheep, he does not so much care if the sheep enters into danger to want to put himself in any form of danger for the sake of the sheep. All he desires is his pay for tending the sheep. But Jesus makes Himself the good shepherd and not only a shepherd. This is because beyond what ordinary shepherds and hirelings would do, He went all the way to lay down His life for the sheep to live. The testimony of David is akin to this: when the lion came, he did not hide but wrestled to keep the sheep safe. Ditto the bear. But in the reference scripture, Christ made us to understand that all that came before Him were never shepherds but thieves and robbers. Hence, everyone that came before Him up to John the Baptist were mere hirelings and not shepherds. It will therefore be absurd for us as believers to keep drawing our example of how to please God from these ones when the Chief Sheperd enjoins us to be like Him.

The purveyors of the law caught a woman in adultery. Because they were thieves and robbers, her life and destiny had no substance to them and they were eager to stone her to death. But the Chief Shepherd was not so. Rather than allow her destiny be caught short, He would rather allow her make amends and live never to return to her filth again so that she may fulfil destiny. He would not allow the wolf to devour or scatter the sheep. In the same manner beloved, everyone that has galvanized people to hate you do so because they are wicked, thieves and robbers. But like He did in those days, the Chief Shepherd will come to your aid to ensure your victory even if you were complicit in a way.

I pray with you, everyone that is against your well-being, raising all forms of accusation against you shall be damned by your maker in the name of Jesus. Every voice of accusation that seeks to forestall your fulfilling purpose shall be silenced today in the name of Jesus Christ. You shall reach your goal even to the chagrin of your accusers as the Lord will show you mercy today in the name of Jesus Christ. Go and sin no more. The Good Shepherd has come through for you today. You are blessed and highly favored.

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