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The great invite

Key verse: Isaiah 2:5

O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

Read: Matthew 11:25-30

To walk in thick darkness is to grope. Those who attempt to walk in darkness often stumble and fall as their passage is impaired by so many obstacles. That is the experience of man on earth after the devil took over the reins thereof. It will however appear that those walking in darkness seldom know that the thing responsible for their lowly state is the state of darkness. Even when the light is beamed into darkness, the tendency is for those who are used to darkness to get blindfolded at the beaming of the light. Meanwhile, darkness is characterized by all manner of evil manifestation. But my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge is the word of God. If only they will open their eyes to get used to the light, then will they be rescued from the disdain of darkness. The situation is worse for those that had been taken out of darkness into light but appear to prefer to return to the cover of darkness.

The Lord has shown the “house of Jacob” (otherwise generally called Christians today) the light. Unfortunately, they prefer often to walk in the dark. Hence, the Lord is issuing today a special invite to them to walk in the light. Darkness is laborious. Whether you belong to the house of Jacob or you are yet to, the Lord is inviting you unto His light. That is your guarantee of rest from the incidence of darkness. Saul of Tarsus walked in darkness for a long time. Though a learned person, he did not realize he was walking in darkness and therefore a fool for groping until he met the Lord and was brought into the light to walk in. Many today will also contend like Saul that they are serving God not knowing that they are doing the bidding of the king of darkness. Unlike Saul, they most unfortunately may end up going to their graves with their false beliefs. Meanwhile, like the Lord invited Saul, He is inviting them today to open their eyes and see the light which will prevent them henceforth from groping if only they can practically receive and walk in it.

Where are you operating: in the light or in darkness? There is an invite for you to come into the light. The invite has an expiry date. When the event happens, then it becomes too late to attend. Accept the invite now and be saved.

Pray: Lord I thank you for taking me out of darkness into your marvelous light. Please help me to walk in your light till I see you one on one in Jesus name.

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