Focus: Philippians 4:7 - KJV
7. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
2 Chronicles 20:1-22
Peace is the freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction anxiety or an obsession. It is also a state or condition conducive to, proceeding from or characterized by tranquility. Therefore, when there are situations that should annoy, distract, bring about anxiety or cause an obsession and there is a mind that is yet free from all of these turmoil, then the peace experienced surpasses all human understanding. For instance, if there is a bomb strike in a locality and everyone scampers for safety but there is a fellow who, for some reason is unperturbed sitting with his tea and sandwitch not minding the surrounding commotion, one begins to wonder what the basis of his inner peace is.
Such peace as described can only come from God or an assurance from a superior being who knows how things work and can confidently say, fear not. It is possible for a Field Marshall to tell members of his troop to fear not in the face of another military confrontation and yet loose their lives in combat. But when God assures of peace, it is truly beyond understanding how He comes through. For instance, when Jehoshaphat was confronted by the King of Moab in battle fortifying himself with the army of two other kingdoms, Jehoshaphat lost his peace momentarily but when he received assurance from a Levite from God regarding the battle, he lost no sleep about it anymore. Rather, he arranged singers and went praising God and dancing in the presence of his enemies.
Beloved, there is an assurance coming to you from the Lord that if only you can trust Him, the battle confronting you is the Lord’s and not yours to fight in. Assuredly, you need not lose your peace for it because, like He did for Jehoshaphat, the Lord will fight for you. Very soon, you will be singing and dancing to the songs of victory and your enemies will not in anyway affect you. I pray with you, the Lord will grant you His peace today; He will bestow on you His peace that passes all human understanding in every situation of your life in Jesus name. that storm that has been making you to panic shall cease forthwith in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Cheer up! God is in control.