Focus: Galatians 5:25 - KJV
25. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:16-25
When a man realizes the full implication of the sacrifice of Jesus and accepts it, confessing with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior, he becomes a new creature. He is said to be born of the Spirit and by that, he is expected to live in the Spirit thenceforth. Being born again is a birth by the Spirit as against the arrangement of birth through the Adamic nature. But it is a thing to be born of the Spirit and it is another to fulfill the will of the Spirit. A person born of the Spirit is still susceptible to the warring of the flesh for his soul, against the spirit. In essence, even though he is born now of the Spirit, the flesh still seeks to dominate the man and put the spiritual rebirth to jeopardy. However, to remain standing, the new born ought to walk in the Spirit so as not to fulfill the desires of the flesh. To walk in the Spirit is to do things that bring forth, or manifest, the fruit of the Spirit and when that happens, we do not fulfil the desire of the flesh. Jesus Christ is the first born of the Spirit having been conceived of the Holy Spirit. Yet, the flesh warred against His Spirit when He sought that the cup should pass over him, notwithstanding the purpose that was waiting for manifestation. He eventually comported Himself by walking also in the Spirit, thereby overcoming the desires of the flesh. He particularly noted by Himself that the Spirit was willing but the body was weak. In the end, He became victorious by putting aside the desires of the flesh but walked in the Spirit.
Are you a candidate of Heaven? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb and believe you live in the Spirit? Why then are the works of the flesh manifesting in your life? The Lord is saying to you today that the Spirit in you is craving to manifest in the works you put forth. This is achievable if you put conscious effort into your ways to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit that is in you. When you start to do this, you are reckoned to walk in the Spirit. It is not unusual for the enemy to make effort to rubbish your identity as someone living in the Spirit. However, it is an aberration for someone living in the Spirit to be manifesting the deeds of the flesh.
SOLUTION: Let us be resolute as regards where we belong – Spirit or flesh. If we are for the Spirit, let us make spirited effort to show forth only the fruit thereby. Whenever the flesh seeks to show, we are to mortify the same and allow the Spirit to prevail.
Father, we seek to do your will just like our Lord Jesus Christ did. But we are constantly drawn by the flesh to prevent us from fully accomplishing your will per time. Please from today, help us to walk fully in the Spirit even as we live in the Spirit in Jesus’ name. We come in the power of the Holy Spirit therefore to dispel every work of the devil around and about us from today in the name of Jesus Christ.