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Be Guided

Focus: Psalms 78:72 - KJV

72. So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.


Psalms 78:70-72


There is a thing about the Lord: He is able to use the least expected material to achieve the most, for His purpose. He brings something out of nothing and makes it the core of all things. Moses was a wrong starter, who became a fugitive because he lacked guidance. But just as it appeared he was getting aged to be useful to his people, he got guidance from the Lord and by it, brought a team of wretched slaves out of a country of the mighty with a sudden transfer of wealth. He became the first President of Israel in a manner of speaking. Samuel was not of the Levitical lineage and therefore, was not entitled to the priesthood. But when he received guidance, he became the priest that turned around the fortunes of Israel from theocracy to kingship. David was a mere shepherd boy that was not reckoned with by anyone – friend, family or society. However, when he received the Lord’s guidance, he became a bigger shepherd watching over the nation in which God delights. None other was able to beat his record as king in Israel. From a nobody, God is going to make great somebody out of every user of this Guide, in Jesus’ name.


Beloved, the Lord seeks to guide us so that He may make us what He has purposed us to be. Unless we hearken to His guidance, we are not able to achieve anything by ourselves. The first place is for us to come into contact with His guidance. That was what Moses missed at age forty that he ran into error. It is humility that makes anyone yield to the Lord’s guidance. No wonder, God gives grace to the humble. Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ Jesus. But we can only fulfil our potential if we submit to God’s guidance. He knows the ending from the beginning and therefore, knows the end product of what He guides us into. If after the defeat at Ziklag, David did not follow the guidance of the Lord, himself and his lieutenants would have not only lost their belongings but also their wives and children. The moment we start to give in to God’s guidance, we start to experience great triumph in our lives. The one guiding us has no harm for us but love. Please, be guided.


The Lord will guide us effectively to triumph exceptionally in life in Jesus’ name. We shall not be deaf to the voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives and affairs in Jesus’ name. We receive the grace to obey and stay in the Lord’s guidance, no matter how difficult it may appear, in Jesus’ name. For every guidance we have received thus far, we pray that the Lord will cause it to bring to us the profiting therein in Jesus’ name. And, wherever we had not obeyed the guidance fully as we ought, the Lord, by His mercy will redirect us to the winning ways today, in Jesus’ name. In every way that we may be operating in limbo, God will speak His guidance to our hearts for our lifting this very day, in Jesus’ name.


SOLUTION: There is no better guide on a cruise than the one who understands the entire terrain. Giving in to the Lord’s guidance is submitting to success. There is no failure when we heed the Lord’s guidance.



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