Focus: John 17:3 - KJV
3. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
1 John 5:18-20
God did not make man that he may die. It is deception and disobedience to God that brought death to man. But glory be to God who made a plan from the foundations of the world to ransom man from death and bestow life on Him for eternity. What then is eternal life? When God created man, they knew one another. That is, as God knew man, the man too knew God. But the sin that came separated between man and God such that even though God can see man in his state, the man knew not God again as there came a separation. Now, by reason of the salvation that was wrought by Christ, a provision or channel has been created for man to know God again. It is this knowing God that is eternal life. How? God is immortal. Everyone that enters into His light enters into immortality to dwell with Him in the light. But this is made possible through Jesus Christ. Hence, only those who know Jesus Christ who is the way can access the light and know God. How? Knowing Jesus is doing His will and directives for anything otherwise is iniquity which the eyes of God will not behold. So, whosoever knows Christ sins not and the hands of the enemy is not likely to touch him. It is by this understanding we get to know God and have eternal life.
Beloved, as there is eternal life, there is also eternal damnation. Without stressing to define what it connotes, just know that those who reject Christ reject the way to God and are not able to live above sin. At the end, they bear things that cannot appear before God not having followed the path laid down unto eternal life. Those are the rejects, who end up in outer darkness where they will be eaten by worms and the worms never die. As those in eternal life experience splendor in the bosom of the Lord, those in outer darkness will exist in pain, torment and regret. The advisable choice is life. Please choose life.
SOLUTION: Life is good. To choose life, we must choose Christ for He is the way to life. Choosing Christ is forsaking the devil and his handiwork; and accept Christ as Lord. Accepting Him as Lord is surrendering to His will for the rest of life here on earth into life eternal because He will still be Lord there. Accepting Him here is a recruitment into training of how to live eternally.
Father, we thank you for the gift of Christ, whatever it will take for us to know you the true God, in accordance with the prayer of Christ, please do for us for your name’s sake in Jesus’ name. Grant us the grace to experience your light right from this earth and to continue in it in eternity in Jesus’ name.
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