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Fullness Of Joy

Focus: John 15:11 - KJV

11. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

John 17:13-17

The word of God is true; Jesus Christ is the word of God and at the same time, the way, the truth and the life. It is in the word of God that joy is embedded. Hence, Jesus being the word, released Himself as a gift from the father to the world so that, if any man finds Him true and imbibes Him by the word, the same has in himself the springs of joy. By the understanding of the word, who is Jesus Christ, the recipient is able to ask things in the mysterious name of Jesus and have them done for him supernaturally, by which occurrence, his joy is made full. This is a mystery to many, yet it is true and it works.

Bartimaeus was blind and was a lonely man of sorrow. He heard that Jesus was passing by, having heard his fame hitherto, he jumped at the opportunity to take Him in and therefore shouted unto Him calling Him the son of David. You don’t acknowledge Jesus as the Christ unless you have the word. That was what the blind man meant by this reference. Then, he asked that his sight be restored and that he may see. The one who was observed as a hopeless figure became a celebrity when his sight returned and his joy was full. Many others have enjoyed this benefit just by imbibing the word of life.

We also can receive the joy of the Lord which constitutes the believer’s strength by imbibing the word when we receive Christ. That joy will surely overflow if we endeavor to put the imbibed word to good use by asking seemingly difficult things in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name under heaven through which salvation comes. That situation that appears daunting is waiting for you to invoke the joy instrument which is in the name of Jesus. Invoke the same today and see your joy overflow. Bear in mind, it is not magic but the power of God. You cannot invoke the joy instrument until you have imbibed Christ through His word. What are you waiting for?

SOLUTION: Receive Christ as Lord and Savior and let Him be formed in you through His word. The power we have in using His name is great: pray using the name and joy overflows.

Father, we thank you for your word that dwells in us. In these turbulent times, please hold us up with your power in Jesus’ name. No matter the extent of trouble in the earth, do let our joy overflow in the midst of it all in Jesus’ name. Kindly protect each of us on all sides that we may never be affected in any way in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We look to you by faith in your name that henceforth, you will grant all our requests fully to enhance our joy and strength in you in Jesus’ name.

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