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God grants your desire

Text: Isaiah 65:24

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Read: Matthew 9:20-22

Our God can do for us things we have not uttered. The general rule is to ask. This rule, it will appear, came into being because man accused God of giving him what he did not request for in Eve. From the fall of Adam, scarcely will God do specific things for man except when asked.

But there is a new order as ordained by the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. The Lord demonstrated it during His earthly sojourn as contained in our Bible Reading for today. The healing of the woman with the issue of blood was based on her internal, unuttered desire. And because she believed, her desire was granted. If only you can believe in the finished works on the cross, from today, God will start to attend to your unuttered desires in Jesus name.

Many times, an emergency would happen, yet provision would have been made of God to take care of them even before they started. It is because He is poised to respond to your thoughts. There is a user of this guide: you have by yourself discovered that the guide speaks to your situation daily. Not because the vessel the Lord uses to put it up knows you personally or just wrote it on the day ascribed, but because the Omniscient God has gone ahead of your need to instruct you. The Lord is inviting you today to rely more on Him.

As beautiful as it is to pray, when you spend so much time in prayer without a response, it is perhaps because you are already separated from your God. When you stay with your lover, the discussion is always solemn and there is no need for shouting for him/her to hear or understand you. When shouting is resorted to, the hearts must have drifted apart. The hearts communicate often without words said. That is the relationship God is calling you to.

It is good to cry to God when you are desperate. Such desperations however come when your heart had drifted apart from Him. Check it out. Return to your Lover today and He will readily hear and respond to you.

Pray: Father, help my heart to be connected to yours perpetually so that my link to my Source be never broken or estranged in Jesus name.

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