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Head, Principality and Power

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: Colossians 2:10 - KJV

10. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Mark 5:1-13

Everything that happens on earth is susceptible to spiritual control. The positive are things done by the power of love in Christ while the negative, being a manipulation of the power, is effective through deception by the evil ones. Affliction comes in different degrees but made possible by the power of darkness. But all power is subservient to the power of light which is in Christ Jesus. The degree of affliction that is most tormenting is the level of possession when the devils in-dwell their victim. Even at that level, because of spiritual hierarchy, the principality or power responsible for possession bows to Christ for in Him lies all power. Hence, when the mad man in the country of the Gadarenes saw Him, through his eyes the devils in him saw that their Head was there to take control and they begged to be redirected. Of course, the madman got his freedom at the same instant. No matter the realm from which the principality or power operates or emanates from, at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ, they should bow their knees. Christ did not however hold to Himself alone His authority over principality and power. Rather, He has made it available to those who are His so that they may be complete in Him, having authority through Him over all principality and power.

For as long as you belong to Jesus Christ, you need not be afraid of the boasts of the principality around you. One of the signs by which your being a believer is affirmed is in your ability to cast out devils. For as much as you are complete in the head of all principality and power, none of them can affect you negatively if you will assert your authority. Do you know? Angels fall in the groupings of principality and power too: it is that they operate in the light. Since you are therefore complete in the Head of principality and power, you can also enjoy the ministry of angels if you invoke the power that works in you.

SOLUTION: Never let any strange power mesmerize you. Condemn every tongue that rise against you in judgment. Speak life to every situation you find yourself to cancel the effect of the deeds of the evil one. Take charge and control of the realms wherever you find yourself. When you see the devil in operation, be bold to resist and cast him out.

From this day, the devil will obey your commands and flee from you in the name of Jesus Christ. As you hold every negative thought captive, no evil thought shall ever affect you again in Jesus’ name. Every principality and power shall bow their knees for your sake in all your endeavors in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You are complete in Him. Assert your authority. Shalom!

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