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Knowing The True God

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: 1 John 5:20 - KJV

20. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.


John 17:1-3


When a messenger is sent to deliver a message but the same distorts the message, the one who sent out the message ends up being misrepresented with the distorted message which in essence is a lie. To correct the distortion and lie, the master may decide to send another messenger with the correct rendition of the message. The one who presents the correct version is the one who represents the master well and therefore, true about the person of the master. This is the true state of the message we receive of Christ about God. From Noah till date, every people, nation or society has a notion of God which they receive through particular people who claim to be God’s representatives. Unfortunately, most of them adulterated the message they were given, by misrepresenting God to men. But then, to correct all of their anomalies, the Lord sent His only begotten son in Jesus Christ to relay to mankind only those things He received from the father, and nothing else.


Since no man has seen the father before, the only image of the father presented to mankind is that which is true and has no distortion. For example, a presentation of God as someone who because of sin kills His children is a crass misrepresentation because God is love and is not a killer. Which is why He seeks repentance. The one who kills is the enemy. Hence, the enemy lures men to sin so as to have the leeway to kill them but makes it appear that the killing is by God. Meanwhile, when the one who presents to us the truth of God came, He said categorically that He condemns us not and neither does He accuse anyone. Yes, the eyes of the Lord do not behold iniquity but that does not make Him to kill. What it translates to is that the iniquitous forfeits the cover of his God and becomes exposed to the wicked one. God is misrepresented by all the messengers that ascribe killing to Him, in any way or form.


There is a way that seems right unto man, the end of which is the way of destruction. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. To get life is to know the true God. No one can know the true God except through the Truth, Jesus. Unless we come to God through Christ, we follow a wrong being as God and may be led completely to the enemy whose business is to steal, kill and destroy. It can never be God that will ask that the misguided prophets of Baal be slaughtered. If it were so, He would have caused Saul of Tarsus to be slaughtered also, and perhaps the High Priest and his team that brought Jesus to the Romans to judge and kill. God is Love and therefore, merciful and kind. He is well represented in Christ and we can get to properly know God, only through Him.


SOLUTION: Take time to study the scriptures: through it you will discover that it is that the first testament was blemished that warranted the second. The first Adam was of the flesh and ordained for destruction while the second Adam is of the Spirit and life. The revelation of the second Adam is the eye opener about the truth of God. Follow Him.


Please pray:

·      Let us give thanks to God for revealing His true being to us through the eyes of Jesus Christ

·      Ask God to please teach you more about Himself through the Holy Spirit

·      Pray that the Lord will purge you of all distorted facts and notions about Himself

·      Ask God to prevent the enemy from getting to you or hurting you in any way through the instrumentality of his lies and distortions

·      Ask for your daily bread today


If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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