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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

The Divine Compass

Focus: Jeremiah 10:23 - KJV

23. O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Daniel 5:17-23

No man knows how to direct his own affairs in a perfect way to bring to himself the perfect way of life except the one directed by the Lord who rules in the kingdom of men. The Lord is He who knows all things; built all things and made all things. He knows His creatures in detail and can tell what lies in the path of each. Hence, for any man to enjoy life on earth, or at all, the same ought to bow unto God and incline his ears unto Him for proper direction as to the way to navigate the earth. Those who will perish are however not so inclined: they will rather lean unto their own understanding to do those things which the Lord does not approve, and by their own making, end up in perdition.

There was a king named Nebuchadnezzar. He was a very mighty and powerful king at his time. He did believe that his might and power were his making and therefore, he did not honor God in his mind and actions. The Lord withdrew his compass that gave him direction as to how to navigate the earth. Before long, he became a beast and a forest wanderer. That in simple terms means he became insane, grew some unbelievable hair on his body, ate grass like an herbivore and knew not the way to his throne again. In short, he started doing things which were unconscionable for an ordinary man not to talk of a king, the most powerful at the time, for that matter. He only got restored when He acknowledged the Lord who possesses the divine compass. As many fail to learn from the example of their forebears, his son reigned in his stead after he died, and the son engaged also in inimical things that would make the Lord depart from him and leave him to his folly. However, before leaving, the Lord first warned him by writing on the wall what he saw as a strange thing, but turned out to be a warning for all those who will desecrate the divine compass. They are only headed for doomsday.

Beloved, there is nothing we are which we achieved, without the Lord. He is the one who provided the compass that helped navigate our ways to victory in battles, wealth in the midst of famine, favor in the midst of adversity and so on. A refusal to acknowledge and honor Him is an assertion that He should go away from our affairs. If He moves from our affairs, He takes with Him the compass. Where there is no compass, the earth is like a vast ocean, we will not be able to navigate it successfully. He has also packaged the compass for our easy access in His word. Hence, a decision to not study the word is an abdication of the compass. It leads to nowhere, but directionless expedition.

SOLUTION: Dwell daily on the word of God that it my provide light to your path and lamp to your feet. Without it, there is no thorough fare on the face of the earth. Good success on earth is dependent absolutely on it.

Please pray: Dear Lord, I acknowledge you as my God; do let me know you more that I may never offend you in any way again. Please let your word be my compass ever more even as I meditate in it day and night from now on, in Jesus’ name. And in accordance with your promise, grant me good success and make my way prosperous from hence, in Jesus’ name.

If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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