Text: Psalms 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.
Bible Reading:
Exodus 16: 11-21
Everyone that is observant will note that aside man, most creatures do not store up food for the morrow. Even when it is almost winter, creatures do stack up supplies to last them for the season just before it begins. Man is the choice of God amongst all His creatures. He loves man more than He does every other. It then becomes mind bungling when man lives continually in the daily fear of lack. For those who lack the knowledge of God , this is understandable. But for those of the household of faith, it is apt to ask: why would we assume that God would provide for the birds of the air that neither sow nor reap and leave man uncared for? Our God is a blessed father and deserves our adoration for daily loading us with His benefits. When the children of Israel wondered the wilderness for forty years, He proved Himself in this light by giving them daily enough to sustain them. The greed and lack of faith that exist in man make him to want to amass more than is meet. When doing so, we attract to ourselves rot and stench unnecessarily just like it happened to the Israelites that did so. Oh no! God is not against your being wealthy. Not at all! But your stacking up what is useless to you and withheld from the needy is what He frowns at. If you believe in God, have an unflinching faith that He will supply your daily bread no matter what. Are you in some kind of need today? Call on Him and He will answer you. Your supply is on the way. Don’t despair. God is faithful.
Father, I need you today in the areas of my need. Please meet me at the point of my needs daily in Jesus name.
'Young lions do lack, and suffer hunger'. But lovers of God lacks nothing. Thank you, I pray that we shall be daily reminded of who we are in Christ Jesus. Amen