Focus: John 10:4 - KJV
4. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
John 10:1-10
Jesus was very clear about His ministry and mission from the outset. As someone who did or said nothing except what He saw the father do or say, He had a message that was undiluted and therefore represented the father in absolute terms. However, every other messenger that came before Him, being susceptible to the flesh, had their messages diluted in a manner of speaking. Hence, Jesus is the only access between those who the Lord seeks, and the Lord Himself. Every other access leads elsewhere and those whom the Lord has predestined unto Himself would never go through such access but through Jesus Christ.
While Jesus presented the door to Israel, many got confused because they were used to other access(es) that led them to confusion and perdition, yet they were comfortable with it. The access that Christ presented was to be a departure from the dilution into the pure access but they could not understand it. Which was why the Bible says that there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is the way of destruction. Therefore, to be clear, Christ described all those before Him that brought the diluted messages as not being the shepherds of the sheep but scaled the fences to get to the sheep. Nonetheless, the true sheep would not hearken to them but to the voice of Christ who is the true shepherd of the sheep.
God is asking that we always check whatever message we receive on the template of Christ so as not to be swayed by the messages of thieves and robbers. All that thieves and robbers seek or direct the flock to, so to say, is almost always invariably fleshly: physical, mental and perhaps emotional food and never thinking of Spiritual growth and development. Meanwhile, the mind of God is that His sheep would seek first the Kingdom and Christ’s (God’s) righteousness. As we come to the very end of the first month in the new year today, let us reflect on these things and be guided as the sheep that God wants us to be and refused to be swayed by thieves and robbers.
Please pray:
Thank you, father for making me to pass through this first month under your banner of love. Blessed be your name for your faithfulness. Please give me the mind to discern always between your voice as my Shepherd as against the voices of thieves and robbers. Let me, by your power, be ever obedient to you and enter through you as my doorway to the light and salvation, in Jesus’ name. Please keep me in your fold to the very end and do not allow the thief to steal from me, kill or destroy me, dear Lord in Jesus’ name. As this month comes to an end, I pray that you will continue to keep me blossomy as my dear Shepherd, in Jesus’ name.
Please share with others. God bless you.