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Excellent lovingkindness

Text: Psalms 36:7

How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

Bible Reading:

2 Samuel 12:1-13


God is love. He is willing to embrace and cuddle every man that comes unto Him. He however will not deny Himself for He is holy and pure. His eyes will not behold sin/iniquity. Hence, anytime iniquity is found in man God is not able to stand him. The reason there is a separation between you and your God is purely sin. Nevertheless, God knows that man is often lured to sin and not necessarily of any attribute God created him with. The love of God is such that it covers a multitude of sin. No matter the extent of sin, God is willing to wipe it away. Like someone once analyzed, God’s readiness to forgive is like the footprints at the seashore: in a moment, it is glaring and visible, shortly after it is wiped away. For every sinner that repents, God wipes the memory of the sin in forgiveness. Therefore, whenever anyone sins and fails to confess their sins and seek the forgiveness of God, such a person puts himself in danger of death for nothing. For as long as you breath, if you enter into error, be humble enough to confess your sin and seek the face of God in forgiveness. To die in the sin is to lose it all because there is no repentance in the grave. David was guilty of adultery and murder. God confronted him with it and as king he by himself pronounced the verdict of death on himself. But because he trusted in the shadow of the wings of God, once he realized his folly, he humbled himself before his God and he received pardon from death. Have you also committed a sin and you are hiding it? Why not come down from your high horse today and seek the forgiveness of God? He promises to pardon you and all things will be renewed as He promises to restore you unto Himself.


Have mercy on me O God for I have strayed from your counsel. Please restore me unto yourself never to let me stray again in Jesus name. Thank you father.

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Jonathan Stephen
Jonathan Stephen
Nov 05, 2020


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