Focus: 2 Thessalonians 1:8 - KJV
8. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Isaiah 66:14-16
Our God is a Consuming Fire. Though patient and full of mercy, a day comes when He would recompense all that man does upon the earth. Some have refused in this age of His patience and mercy, to be loving, hurting them that are His and disobeying the injunctions of God to live in righteousness, when the day of the Lord comes, He will pour His wrath of fire on them without reprieve.
The day of the Lord is spoken of scripture-wide. Isaiah prophesied it, Malachi confirmed it, Jesus Himself spoke about it, Paul taught so much about it, Peter was very clear about it and John in the Revelation proves it. Unfortunately, even if the fire is used to preach to a son of perdition, he ends in perdition still. But the place of perdition was prepared for the devil and his demons, not man.
The Lord is crying loudly and enduring longsuffering a bit longer to enable many more men draw away from perdition while it is yet bright and light. When the day of vengeance shall come, it shall be grim darkness because the Lord would not allow His children’s affliction to go unavenged. He however, allows repentance and turn around before the trump sounds. No one is named son of perdition except those who votes for perdition. Let us repent today and do the will of God in righteousness henceforth, that we may be saved.
Please pray:
Thank you, father for offering us the righteousness of Christ, else none will be able to stand on that day of judgment. By the same righteousness, please keep us in obedience to you to the very end in Jesus’ name. Help us to be loving and kind to the brethren that we may not offend you by afflicting any other man, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. No matter what happens, please keep us away from your wrath because of the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
Please share with others. God bless you.
