Key verse: Isaiah 1:19 - KJV
19. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
Genesis 26:1-6 & 12
Most people who live in the world particularly in the current generation seek to live a very good life without lifting a finger to do any work. They tend to want all form of expensive material things when they lack the thought of any engagement. Some even blame the Lord for making them come into the world in the particular circumstance in which they came or to what country or parentage they were born. It is possible to be born into a wealthy family and end up a pauper. When Jonathan was having Mephibosheth as a child, if someone had said the prince would be a servant to his servant, everyone would have said no. But it was so. And it is equally possible to be born into real squalor and become a ruler and controller of men in wealth and great resources. The circumstances of the birth and upbringing of David never suggested that he could be a minister in the palace one day not to talk of being the king. But he eventually attained the throne.
What determines wellness is not the magic we seek about in the name of miracles. Some have gone from assembly to assembly claiming prophesies and what have you but never got to testify. Is it because God is no longer in the habit of working miracles? No! But, with God, nothing goes for nothing. It is that those who must take the benefit of the Lord must be willing to have Him as their God and ready to obey His directions. Isaac lived in a land at the time of famine and sought to relocate to another land where he assumed the famine was not biting hard. But God instructed him to stay where he was and he obeyed. The result of his obedience was to sow (work) in the same land from which he wanted to run away and cart away yields that made his neighbors who also may have sowed in the same land and at the same time without having much to show for it. The difference is Isaac had God as his Senior Partner and obeyed Him.
The good of the land you live in can be available unto you also. The One who owns the earth and the fullness thereof can make it available if you make Him your Senior Partner like Isaac did; and obey every of His directives going forward. Stop taking God for granted in your affairs. And most importantly, don’t use your brain to calculate God’s instructions. Live forthwith in absolute obedience unto Him. What shall it be?
Pray: Father, I know nothing of myself; I lean on you absolutely as my Senior Partner. Please make me to eat the good of the land in the name of Jesus Christ.