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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Praise God!

Focus: Jude 1:24-25 - KJV

24. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Psalms 103:1-8

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord at all times and to hallow His Holy name. For if we are indeed thoughtful, we shall be thankful. It is the Lord that has kept us from falling. He did not only preserve us by His power, He shows us mercy continually just so that He may present us worthy unto Himself, despite all our waywardness. This God is so faithful that when the accuser of the brethren raises accusations and basis for destruction against us, our Advocate counters him on our behalf on all counts and we are kept standing by the power of this God. It is by His mercies that we have not been consumed. Imagine the terrible happenings upon the earth in recent times. Even though a thousand fell on our sides and ten thousand on our right side, nothing has affected us in any way. Assuming the Lord had opened our eyes to see all the evil He has been saving us from on a daily basis, then are we able to better appreciate the kindness of God over our lives.

What is it that life is offering you at this time? Are you abused or forgotten? Are you such that the world has turned against because of righteousness? Are they lying to people so that you may not receive help from any? Are you discouraged and having your head bowed because of the lies of the wicked and the oppression of the enemy? It is not enough basis for you not to glorify God. It could have been worse than it is if not for God. Job lost it all. If not for God, his life also would have gone for it. All you have and where you are can only be attributed to the mercy of God. It is therefore the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus that you give God glory, always.

SOLUTION: No matter what you are confronted with, give glory to God for your sustenance and good standing. But for God you would have been forgotten. Give Him quality praise today and He will fight for you the more.

As you worship and praise the Lord giving Him glory for who He is today, the Lord will arise for you as the mighty Man in battle to ward off all your detractors in the name of Jesus. The name of the Lord shall bring you help, favor and upliftment on all sides from now in Jesus name. Keep on praising Him. He is worthy.

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