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Pursue Peace

Focus: Hebrews 12:14-15 - KJV

14. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: 15. Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

Deuteronomy 29:18-19

Our God, though a God of war, prefers peace, being a loving person. Unfortunately, many do lose their peace over things that are insignificant in the final analysis. When peace is lost, there is a root of bitterness formed and bitterness is a canker in man eating him up from the inside until it achieves a total destruction, when not curbed. Lack of peace is borne out of offence and pride in man. It is pride that makes a man assume someone ought not to do something to him. If we are selfless, there is nothing anyone does that should so devastate us to the point of unforgiveness and detesting the fellow. Know what? No one carries bitterness and get near God. It is impossible. Indeed, bitterness is a senser that sends a signal of belonging to the dark world and separates from the light.

There was a daughter of Jacob that had some intimacy with a foreigner. Of course, because she was no longer a virgin, by the Israeli custom, she could not be betrothed to an Israelite any longer. The man responsible, though a foreigner, took responsibility, humbled himself and agreed to pay the price. To be part of the Abrahamic covenant, there was need to be circumcised. This was said to be the price to pay. Rather than ask the culprit alone to be circumcised and become Israeli by circumcision, the sons of Jacob asked the entire clan to be circumcised because of their ulterior motive. The people gladly conceded because they loved Israel. Alas, the sons of Israel, (at least the full siblings of the girl concerned) hatched a plan to kill the entire clan while their wounds were still sore and were vulnerable. Jacob was betrayed of the oath he made and felt defiled by the action of his sons. Bitterness caused the destruction of a people of peace.

Destruction is the ministry of the devil. Why are you so offended to the extent of wanting to destroy another being? What is it that anyone has done to you that is unforgivable and make you want the fellow ostracized? Please take a thought: how many times in a day do we offend the Lord and He willingly forgives us any time we bow our knees in repentance? Why then is it so difficult to forgive them that offend us? And, most of the time we assume offence where there was none. In the end, we actually hurt someone whom we ought to love. Jacob’s daughter was not forced. She was not likely to say no to getting married to the man in question. Killing him had resulted in a grave sin to the Lord and some hurt to Jacob’s daughter who was considered defiled. The implication of that bitterness you are brewing may be much more far reaching than you can currently imagine. Why not let go?

SOLUTION: Please get rid of that pain caused by your neighbor. For as long as it lingers, it may develop into a canker. Even when you feel you are on the right, apologizing to your brother who you assume had hurt you takes nothing from you but shows you are humbly. Never allow bitterness to form root in you, no matter what.

Please pray thus: Father, I want to be like you in all things. Please help me to pursue peace with all so that I may continue to have you on my side in the name of Jesus. Everything in me that my develop into bitterness, I let go today by the help of your Spirit in Jesus’ name. Please help me to maintain a pure heart all the days of my life on earth in Jesus’ name. By this dear Lord, take me up to your hill where your light shines brightest, today, in Jesus’ name.

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