Memorize: Isaiah 12:6
Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.
Read: Joshua 6:12-17
God is always near them that are His. No matter the circumstance that may be confronting you, if you belong to God, He has promised not to leave nor forsake you. While Jesus Christ walked the face of the earth, there was a storm that scared His disciples who were with Him on a journey by sea. He was there in the boat lying down, asleep. As the disciples cried out to Him, the storm was commanded to cease. As you cry out to Him today, every storm in your life shall receive His command and cease in Jesus name.
Also, Israel was confronted with the great wall of Jericho and the inhabitants thereof. The people received instruction to shout to the Lord, their Great Ally. As they did, the obstacle standing between them and the promise of God was pulled down by invincible heavenly dozer. Because the Lord was among them. As you shout out loud to the Lord your God who is with you today, every obstacle stopping you from entering into God’s promise for your life shall crumble in Jesus name.
It is possible to have God with you and still suffer. It is possible not to invoke the power in the presence of God for your benefit and therefore not take advantage of it. Until the disciples cried to Jesus the storm persisted. Although the Bible did not say how long Israel lingered before going round the wall of Jericho for seven days, for as long as they did not do so and did not shout to God as instructed, the wall remained and the gates shut them out of their destiny.
The essence of your having to shout to God is your acknowledging that you cannot overcome the situation by your own power. When you shout to Him, He manifests His power in your support and you are the beneficiary of the showing forth. Your refusal to shout to Him may cause others to ask where your God is when they observe your situation. When they do, you call the integrity of God to question. Meanwhile, God is not a liar. He is available for you to deliver no matter what. Why not shout to Him today? The whole world will rejoice with you soon. Hallelujah!
Pray: Father, hear my cry O Lord and answer me as I shout to you today. Take me out of the snare that the enemy has laid for me in Jesus name.