Text : Romans 8:37-38
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Bible Reading:
Romans 8:1-18
A conqueror is someone who has fought and won a battle. In the case of anyone who is in Christ and living according to the Spirit without yielding to the dictates of the flesh, he is even more than a conqueror because the battle he is to fight has been fought and won and the victory thereon is delivered to him on a platter of gold. Such a person is so loved of God that he is equipped with everything needed to go through life without succumbing to the enemy through the dictates of the flesh. In essence, if God so loves us and has so equipped us, we need also to reciprocate His love by being firm in our resolve to live according to HIs will and purpose. It is true that tribulations will come your way because you profess Christ and the kingdom, but your victory is in the fact that Christ has overcome the world and He is our example. What we need critically to know is that the enemy is resolute to scuttle for every believer the glory that is ahead. He doesn’t however have the power to do so unless we yield to him. This is why Apostle Paul queried and said “who” shall separate us from the love of God? No matter what life confronts you with, it is nothing compared to the glory that is ahead. Rely on the Holy Spirit in your trials and tribulations. Never yield ground to the devil. He only seeks to steal to kill and destroy. Yielding to him is accepting a bad fate. Let no tribulation or trial shake you away from the love of the father who dearly loves you. As you overcome, you grow in God and the glory ahead is reassured. Stand tall for God.
Prayer Guide:
Father, I love you and thank you for loving me more than I know. From today, I resolve to stand in awe of you. Please help me by your Spirit never to renounce your love, in Jesus name.