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Try Your Ways

Focus: Lamentations 3:40-41 - KJV

40. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD. 41. Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.

2 Samuel 12:1-13

Jesus Christ was once called the good Master and He was quick to quip saying there is none that is good except the Father. And since a servant is not greater than the master, it follows that there is none that should consider himself good while upon the face of this earth. Our duty and as it is expected of us is for us to do good always. But is this the true position? When we do that which is not good and we are chastened of the Lord for our misdeeds, we grumble and complain rather than search and try our ways to discover the wrongs in our actions and make amends by turning to the Lord in repentance. A denial of our sins is attributing lies to the Lord the One who cannot lie. So, it is imperative to check that situation and see whether it be a form of chastening from the Lord. If it is, no amount of grumbling can abate it; only repentance and prayers can. Some of the things we do, we assume they are hidden. But have we considered that the One who created the eyes knows the essence thereof and therefore can see? David was of the mind that he would just add Bathsheba to one of his wives after having clandestinely murdered the husband to cover up his illicit affair with her. But God brought this out to David through Nathan. And alas, though he thought it was hidden, God saw and knew it.

David was told the consequence of his action even though he had pronounced judgment by his own lips. Rather than argue, being the king, that he did not deserve to be so chastised, he searched himself, found and confessed that he had sinned. If and when we search ourselves or try our ways and find that we have not done right, it is only pride that makes for complaint and grumbling when chastened. The route to take is repentance and prayers for mercy. When we do so, the God of mercy, may in His prerogative show us mercy. David obtained mercy not to die. Nonetheless, every evil act has its own consequence. Hence, it is better to strive not to err at all than to err and be seeking a way out for to obey is better than sacrifice. So, David was still to suffer recompense. Let us therefore strive to ascribe righteousness unto the Lord always by checking our ways when we are chastened.

SOLUTION: Check yourself today: if there is a hidden sin, even before the repercussion starts, quickly confess it to the Lord and promise Him never to take that route again. And if the repercussion already begun, please plead for mercy rather than grumble. The righteous God will hear and show you mercy.

As you take time to reflect on the cause of the chastening which you may be experiencing from the Lord at the moment, may the Lord show you mercy and ease off the effect of the chastening this day in Jesus name. Cheer up! It’s all joy.

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