Focus: Colossians 2:6-7 - KJV
6. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7. Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
John 15:3-5
It is interesting to know that once we give our lives to Christ Jesus, we become new creatures. Indeed, old things are passed away and all things are become new. But, it cannot be right that after we have been given a clean slate, we return to our old ways to get ourselves filthy again. Hence, to forestall returning to a filthy life, the One who has chosen us and invited us into His Kingdom encourages us to abide in Him. To abide in Him is to stay free from filth that is in the world and remain in Him. When in Him, we have ourselves enmeshed in the God-head bodily. What that means is that, as against the days of Abraham and Elijah, when the one was enjoined to walk before and the other stood before, now we are in Christ and Christ, who carries the God head bodily is in us even as we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we walk in Him and not necessarily before Him by which we will be outside of Him. When we walk in Him, He becomes the actualizer of our efforts to ensure we do not mess up. It is therefore an aberration to claim to be in Christ Jesus and be walking in the world. Anyone who does so, like the five foolish virgins are already outside and unfit for the bridegroom.
There are enormous blessings in walking in the Lord. When we do so, even when the enemy seeks to affect us, he meets opposition in the One in whom we walk. For instance, when Bar-Jesus antagonized Paul while he was preaching to the Deputy with a view to converting him to Christianity, the ways of the evil one did not achieve much as the one walking in Christ was able to discern his ways and rebuke him that he be blinded for a season. That is another benefit of walking in Christ. There is power available to discern and to rebuke. Like it also happened to the damsel that encountered Paul and started singing as if to praise but absolutely to distract. If we also will be focused enough to walk in the Christ whom we confess as Lord and Savior, then are we able to walk head high and do greater exploits for our Lord. Refusing to walk in Him is to live in disobedience and be made vulnerable in the world. That can be greatly devastating as the enemy has no good plan for anyone who is in Christ Jesus, or anyone at all.
As the Lord lives in whom we walk, from this day, the grace to walk in Him without falling out the Lord will make available to you in Jesus name. Please enjoy your walk in Him. Blessings.