Text: Philippians 1:9-10
9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all discernment; 10 so that ye may approve the things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and void of offence unto the day of Christ;
Bible Reading:
Matthew 18:7-10
Love is a great attribute of our God for He is love. Having made us in His likeness, His expectation from us continually is that we exhibit love always no matter what. God recognizes that in the world offenses shall surely come, He however expects His children to be rich in knowledge and discernment to avoid offense at all cost but that they approve excellent things through the show of love. No wonder He commands that if someone slaps you on the right cheek you turn the other also rather than retaliate. Unless the slapper be deranged, if you do so, he is not likely to lift his hand again. Win your “enemies” with love. Many are times when we assume people are our enemies albeit wrongly and keep hurting such unjustifiably. God is the judge of all. He never gave us the wherewithal to judge any because He knows we don’t know how to judge righteously. Only He discerns the intents of the heart. At any rate, if any offends you, it is written that woe is the person through whom offenses come. What else do you want? Rather than going about seeking vengeance why not try to be like your father in heaven and allow your love to cover a multitude of sin? The quantum of retaliation you seek to mete out to your perceived enemy may either be too little or too much in comparison to the offense. If too little, well that is your loss but if too much then you have through your action also offended and may be invoking the written woe upon yourself unknowingly. Why not leave vengeance with God? If the Jews knew that Christ was the Messiah, they would not have offended Him in believing the manipulations of their leaders by joining them to put him to death. No wonder He prayed for their forgiveness. Do you know what you do? You may not be right in that matter. Please drop it.
Help me dear Lord to be able to hold myself in the face of offense that a may not offend you or allow bitterness towards my neighbor whom you command me to love in Jesus name.