Focus: Psalms 27:1 - KJV
1. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalms 27:1-5
The Lord is a man of war. Not only is He the best when it comes to defending His own and their territories, He is also very fierce when it comes to offensive treatment of the enemy. He is such a dependable Ally whose pavilion fortifies against any attack from the adversary. Hence, those who know Him do stay strong and confident. It is great disservice unto God for us to have Him as our Shield and strong defense and yet be like jelly in the face of opposition. When confronted by the Red Sea, Moses, having not faced any such opposition before, shook and beckoned on the Lord for assistance. The response of the Lord was more of a rebuke for lack of faith. Why are you crying unto me? He said! Just tell the children of Israel to move forward. If any of us was Moses at the time, the tendency would be to ask the Lord “move forward to where: into the Red Sea?” But the man was confident in Him that he believed and he directed as he was instructed.
It is human to quiver at times when the opposition is rife. But without confidence we cannot please God and rather than run into His pavilion when the assailants are on the prowl, we may in our panic be moving away from it. We need therefore to know whom we believe such that whenever there is an issue, we first commit the same unto Him and hearken to whatever instruction He gives in the circumstance. David was devastated in Ziklag to the extent that those whom he brought up were at the verge of stoning him. But he knew whom he believed and resorted to Him. The result? David got victory and recovered more than he had lost to the enemy in his devastating moment. Are you also facing some tough time because of some opposition or arsenal from the camp of the devil?
SOLUTION: Rest in God and hide in His pavilion while He roots out your adversaries. But you need to let Him do it by reposing full confidence in Him. Point is: if we don’t have confidence in Him, to who else do we turn? Rely on the Lord fully, please. You can only be blessed by it.
Today, as the year is fast running to an end, I pray that the Lord will show Himself strong in your battles in the name of Jesus Christ. All that you may have lost to the enemy in the course of the year or even before it begun, may the Lord give you the strength and ability to recover all back and even spoil the enemy some more in Jesus name. Every time you have need of a refuge, may the pavilion of the Lord be at your reach and may you tabernacle in it for safety in Jesus name. Rejoice! The Lord is with you. Shalom!