Focus: Isaiah 65:24 - KJV
24. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Isaiah 65:17-25
The mind of God when He created man was to have man in splendor and easy communion with Himself. Hence, Adam enjoyed some splendor before the fall in that even the wolf and the sheep dwelled together under his watch without rancor. But the fall spoilt that. Christ’s coming is to restore man to factory setting for the eventual New Jerusalem. But before the New Jerusalem physically emerges, all citizens mete for it are already in practice and rehearsal in the earth as it were. By reason of their new life in Christ, they start to enjoy communion with the Father to the extent that His Spirit dwells in them and communication is concluded within without any spoken word. Many times, before we put words to prayer, answers come because while formulating the thought of what to ask, God already heard and answered. This is one of the signs of those that are of the Kingdom. In one of the voyages of Paul, there was turbulence in the sea. Paul, without having to mutter any prayer told the co-travelers that God already gave them to him and that although the ship in which they traveled would be lost, none of them would die. We can imagine the respect they had for Paul when it eventually so happened. Before Paul asked, God already answered.
We are Paul’s brethren and the same Gospel he believed is what we carry today. If only we will believe God like Paul or even better, then shall we also manifest great signs like Paul and much more. The Spirit in us is there to commune with us and understands our requests while yet innate. So, why not take the benefit of the Spirit from today to put your requests before God in a place where no devil can bug you or tap your conversation? I tell you, with anyone who is born of God, the devil is at loss.
SOLUTION: Allow the Spirit of God to in-dwell you. Never do anything to grieve the Spirit. Rather, nurture the Spirit with a clean heart and worship always. Very soon, you will discover that your prayer thoughts are brought to manifestation in answers.
The Lord will meet you at the point of your needs from now on even when they are mere thoughts in Jesus’ name. The owner of all things will prove Himself as your Father through His communication line with you from now in Jesus’ name. Your prayer life shall glorify God better through speedy answers and performances in Jesus’ name. Congratulations!