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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Believe what you ask

Focus: Matthew 21:22 - KJV

22. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

John 11:41-43

The key to answers to prayer is faith. Anyone who asks without faith is described as being unstable and like the wave of the sea and therefore will get nothing. When we pray, we are enjoined to believe that we have what we ask for already and we shall have it. So, since scriptures say he who asks receives, asking and not receiving is borne out of lack of faith. It is lack of faith to ask something in the morning and return in the evening to ask the same thing unless of course you realized you never appeared before the throne of grace the first time due to filth or improper approach. The example people use to ask for repetition in prayer is that of the unrighteous judge. That was clearly distinguished by Christ from the person of the good God, a worthy father.

Christ, our example showed us how things ought to be done. Once you have asked, all you can do is give thanks for what you had asked knowing it is already done. Repeating it is suggestive of not being sure God heard or you just think it is your persistence that will make Him bulge. When Christ got to the tomb of Lazarus, He made it clear that He was not re-asking what he already asked for which He was sure to receive. He rather prayed giving thanks because of the crowd that they may see the affinity between Him and the father. And of course, the result came swiftly. The protocol for answers to prayer is your not being a stranger to the Kingdom, approaching the throne of grace with thanksgiving and praise; not having a doubt in your mind regarding that which you ask, knowing that there is nothing impossible with God. If only we will believe God for whom He is, whenever we put a request before Him, we should believe that He that promised is able to bring it to pass. Rest assured, that your request is being processed for you. Aside giving thanks, you can also pray to disperse every prince of the air wallaying the delivery of your answers. Be of good cheer, you will surely receive.

Beloved, on this faithful day, I combine my faith with yours to declare that all outstanding answers to your prayers shall be released unto you from the throne of heaven now in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every hinderance in the way of the delivery of the answers is uprooted for your sake in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Go in this your might and you do have a fulfilling day.

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