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Christ our Sure Foundation

Focus: Isaiah 28:16 - KJV

16. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.

Ephesians 2:19-22

Every man came from the loins of Adam. Because Adam sinned before having a child, all that subsequently came out of him were in him when he committed the sin and therefore had sinned against God directly and fallen short of the glory of God. Sin estranges man from God. Since God created man for a purpose and did not want the purpose defeated, God made a way of escape for man. What man lost in the garden was the Spirit that made him a living soul. To restore the Spirit to man, God had to cause a woman to be conceived by the Spirit so that the child that was the product of that conception was, from the beginning, carrying the Spirit that affords man to be a living soul. Hence, by His being, Christ, being a carrier of the Spirit and whose purpose was to restore the Spirit to man, became the foundation for the restoration of the Spirit to man. Hence, everyone who, though being a son of Adam, decides for Christ, is translated from the foundation of Adam which basically is flesh brought about by sin, to that of Christ who is Spirit born.

When man remains on the foundation of the flesh which is characterized by sin and therefore filthy, he is limited in performance and actualization of purpose on earth. But when he is transformed from the flesh to being born of the Spirit through Christ the Chief and sure foundation, he is bestowed with great capacity and starts to do extraordinary things that are beyond the capacity of the man of sin. Many Christians were on ground on the day Dorcas died. The difference between Peter and all the others at the time was the height and level of their belief in the Chief cornerstone, Christ Jesus. Where others were making haste, in a manner of speaking, Peter came and brought the dead to life. Vintage life in the Spirit through the sure foundation. The same was his experience at the beautiful gate and the fact that his shadow healed. Like the days of Peter, there are many who also claim to have been built on this same foundation, Christ our cornerstone; even though the Scripture says when you believe, you should not make haste, yet many make haste when the chips are down. It is time to stand firmly on this sure foundation as people built properly thereon and start to show forth the power of the Kingdom.

As we are built on this foundation we shall show forth excellence forthwith in Jesus name. everything causing us to make haste unnecessarily are destroyed now in Jesus name.

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