Focus: James 5:7-8 - KJV
7. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. 8. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
James 5:7-11
When a farmer goes to the farm to sow his seeds, he waits patiently for the seeds to sprout, become live plants and eventually yield its fruits before the farmer can lay claim to a harvest. In the same vein, we are enjoined to be patient in our waiting for the coming of the Lord when we all shall be saved from the traumas of the world. As the farmer would not out of frustration go to uproot his sown seed but endure the hardship of lacking bread until the seed sown chunks out much more “bread” as profit, we are also to endure whatever hardship we are confronted with while awaiting our eternal rewards. We have sordid examples in Job and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Job was a righteous man. He had no reason, by human calculation to have been through what he went through. Yet, when the devil came against him and messed him up so badly, he refused to defile himself by turning his back on his God. He endured to the end until his salvation came. The Lord Jesus Christ in turn, knew the effect of darkness over the life of any man. He agonized so badly wishing the cup of darkness of the burden of sin and separation from the Father to pass over Him. But the will of the Father was different and so, He succumbed to the will of the Father. He endured patiently until He got the reins over the earth.
Dearly beloved, no matter how thick the darkness of the night may be, if only we will endure it patiently, surely there will be light in the morning. The enemy may have asked to sift you like wheat, like he did in the matter of Job. The true position is that he does not have the final word over your life or that particular situation. With perseverance and godly focus, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.
SOLUTION: Don’t give up. Your victory is in your holding forth. Those who faint in the way cannot win the price. Stay calm but be steadfast. Endure to the end. God is alive to rescue forever more.
The One who restored Job two folds will arise in your situation and supernaturally restore you beyond measure in Jesus’ name. He who owns the heavens and the earth shall arise for your rescue right now in the name of Jesus. Every power wanting to cause you to deny God is rebuked before you right now in Jesus’ name. You will never miss your goal in life in Jesus’ name. The grace to patiently endure and not faint the Lord will grant you in Jesus’ name.