Focus: Colossians 1:12 - KJV
12. Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
2 Kings 3:21-27
It is when we are thoughtful that we become thankful. If we fail to think deeply, we see nothing to give thanks for particularly when we are going through some form of tribulation or the other. If only we understand what the Lord had to suffer to bring His grace upon us, then are we able to appreciate the importance of giving Him thanks in all seasons and no matter what. There was a king in the days of scripture who did something spectacular. Human sacrifice is bad and should not be encouraged in any form. But this king reigned in his country over his people in splendor when a king invited two others with himself to wage a war on the other king. Of course the battle was for his throne, kingdom and land. When the fight began, his people were being killed with ease. When he realized the battle was becoming too fierce, he sacrificed his heir apparent on the city wall to save his throne and his people. If it was just for human sacrifice, he could have taken the son of another. But by his sacrifice, the war ceased and his kingdom was preserved. Let’s take a thought: how would that king have felt if the people for whom he sacrificed his son turned out to be ingrates refusing to acknowledge or give thanks to him?
What the king in our analysis did is a type of what the Lord did for us. The earth and the fullness thereof is His. He assigned it to us but we surrendered it to the devil and the devil through sin had all of us sentenced to death. Rather than allow us to die, God sacrificed His only begotten son for our sakes that by His death we may live. Now that we have the gift of life, why do we keep messing up the King that sacrificed for us His heir and by so doing made us joint heirs with Him? Everytime we think of minial misgivings as basis for not honoring God in thanksgiving, we make ourselves ingrates in that the sacrifice for our salvation is greater than any pain we feel; or how do we compare the pain of a minor headache to practical death? Even if the pain is for some amputation, it is yet not commensurate with death. Let us therefore show gratitude to the One who ransomed us from destruction by giving Him worthy thanks always. Give thanks to our God.
Think about it beloved: your hope is based on His sacrifice. Treat Him right by giving Him thanks always. Thank you Lord for your blessings on us. We will forever praise you in Jesus name. Thank you for everything. Be glorified forever.