Key verse: Psalms 22:28
For the kingdom is the LORD's: and he is the governor among the nations.
Psalms 22:22-28
In heaven and the earth, there is none greater than God. He made all things by which fact, He owns all things and since He owns all, He controls all. It follows that since everything technically lies in His control, to access those things, we need to pass through Him. If we decide to get them by crook, we offend Him and He is not delighted with our action. Those who approach Him for what they desire receive His blessing without glitch or sorrow. It is good to be wealthy; but when wealth carries with it sorrow, ill health, lack of peace and so on, it is worthless. It is good to attain high position; when the position brings with it sleeplessness and other forms of trouble, then it is not so worthwhile. It is the Lord that gives good and perfect gifts because the Kingdom of men, that of heaven and all nations belong to Him.
Saul was made king in Israel by the Governor among the nations. As he was enthroned, all nations around him were humbled before him. A time came when Saul was no longer comfortable with God’s instructions and commands. He courted the wrath of God and was “rejected”. Rather than humble himself before God, he went on as if nothing mattered. When it glared him in the face that his end was imminent, rather than approach the Governor of nations, he went in the opposite direction consulting a witch. How so low can anyone go? David was a reject. The Governor of nations took him from the backside of the desert and put him in charge of His people. Because he knew who was in charge, he enjoyed great victories over his foes. Something gave that David hid from the knowledge of the God which threw him into adultery and murder. He went on as if nothing happened but once his misdeeds were pointed out to him, he knew where the authority over all the realms lie. He returned to his Maker and he was somewhat restored.
It is a great misadventure not to have God in our thoughts in the things we do. When we acknowledge Him, He comes through for us. When we do otherwise, He is too high and mighty to cringe before anyone of us His creatures whom He literarily owns. The gain or loss is truly ours in whatever action we decide to take. When we do His will, we enjoy the best of life in and over the nations; when we do otherwise, the nations appear to weigh us down. Best advise ever: stay on the side of the Lord and you will never regret.
Pray: Father I am locked on you forever; please keep me in your love in Jesus name.