Focus: Mark 9:23 - KJV
23. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
John 11:32-40
There is nothing under the heavens that is so difficult or insurmountable. With our God, all things are possible. But to that general statement, there is a rider: all things are possible to them that believe alone. It is our belief that makes a way for us. The word of God confirms that the Lord is able to do exceeding abundantly what we ask or think, only according to the power that works in us. The power in us can either work faith or fear. When it works faith, it brings forth positive wonderous results. When it works fear, it brings negativity. The power in the woman with the issue of blood worked faith and without calling the attention of Christ initially to her situation, she drew to herself the healing virtue. Fear made king Saul to seek counsel through a witch and the end result was his devastation and destruction. That which we fear, rules over us. It negatives the effect and potency of the word and promise of God for the concerned in the circumstance. That is why the Bible keeps counseling us to fear not. When Joshua was commissioned, God’s instruction to him was to eschew fear – be bold and of good courage.
Christ has exposed to us the power of faith. No matter what life is showing to us, if only we have strong faith, we are bound to see the glory of God. Some assume they have faith but waiver in their faith. Those who waiver like that are compared to the waive of the sea and they get nothing. Point is: God either is or He is not. If you believe He is, wait to see His glory in your situation. Stop doubting Him. If you are not sure, please be quick to seek help elsewhere so that people will not for your sake speak ill of our God. Such statement as: “why didn’t God heal him?” are really sad coming out because of a Christian. Rest assured, God remains constant. His power is not diminished because of the lack of faith of an individual. It is the individual that forfeits the benefit of faith if he fails to operate in it. So, have faith in God concerning that situation.
SOLUTION: Stop believing the lie of the devil that is suggesting to you that what God promised will not happen. That was how he derailed Eve. Stick with the promise no matter the storm appearing.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, all impossibilities confronting you shall become possible now in Jesus name. No power of hell will be able to truncate your blessings through fear in Jesus’ name. You are next in line for great testimonies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Fear not. God is still in the business of working miracles.