Key verse: Matthew 16:19 - KJV
19. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Romans 14:16-19
The Kingdom of God is in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The Kingdom, though available because of the death and resurrection of Christ, it has the keys that unlocks it. Those who possess the keys are those with access. When Christ said, the kingdom is upon you to men who were alive at the time, it had clear meaning and purpose. It means while upon the earth, we can enjoy heaven on earth. That is made possible by accessing the kingdom through the given keys. When the Kingdom is accessed, whatever we allow on earth is what heaven will approve; and if we annul anything on earth, heaven does the same. This is important in that nothing happens on earth except it is first settled in heaven.
To access the keys therefore, Christ has given us the path which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Righteousness exalts a nation. It is simply living right with God. The opposite is sin. With righteousness, we have one of the keys. Paul could cast out demons because he was righteous. That was the difference between him and the sons of Sceva. They had no righteousness and therefore could not loose a demoniac. We are also to pursue peace with all men and holiness without which the Kingdom is locked up. Peace is the second key that opens the door. Elisha could not access the Kingdom when he was upset with the king of Israel. He only gained access after a minstrel ministered peace to his soul. And of course, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Anyone who lacks joy is weak. No wonder we are enjoined to serve the Lord with gladness. When our souls be cast down, access to the Kingdom is fettered. In whatever situation we are, we must ensure our morale remains high. No one wins a battle when his joy has left him. Whenever a combination of these keys are fully present, nothing inhibits our enjoying heaven on earth.
Has life been unbearable in some ways? Please check if you have the combination of the keys of the Kingdom. If you do, draw on them now and start enjoying heaven on earth which is your entitlement. Bind and loose all you can. You have the backing of heaven.
Pray: Father, by the reason of the keys of the Kingdom, I command every evil wind blowing in my direction to cease in the name of Jesus Christ.