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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Please Pray

Focus: 1 Timothy 2:1-3 - KJV

1. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


1 Timothy 2:1-7


It is a trait of the world to grumble and complain when things appear to be bad as a result of the activities of the leadership of their societies. Ironically, no matter the extent of grumblings and misgivings, they fail to effect any change in the situation grumbled about. Where the people in authority feel shaken by the complaints, they quickly make pronouncements in an attempt to assuage the minds of the people but, in real terms, the source of the problem remains. There is nothing that befalls any society that is strange to God. The Lord knows and can help turn the situation around. Israel was in Egypt for over four hundred years. Whatever their countenances were when their travail began, it did not in any way take away their servitude in the hands of the Egyptians. But a time came when it became rather unbearable and they came back to their senses and prayed, and God sent them a deliverer. If they had failed to pray, they would have remained in crisis. Also, there is no one that comes to the place of leadership without the knowledge of God. And as it is written, the hearts of kings are in the Lord’s hand, and like the rivers of water, He moves them whithersoever He wills. Hence, if there are kings that need a change of heart concerning particular policies that affect us, the one that can help cause the change is the one who has the king’s heart in His hand.


Nehemiah knew as a person in servitude in exile, he cannot just take decisions about Jerusalem except it was backed up with State policy. So, he prayed to God and God caused the king to observe his sullen countenance and one thing led to the other that brought about the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Today, many societies are in crisis because of terrible State policies. The people are cringing and are so distraught about the whole affairs. They are not able to do anything about their situation. Some, through grumbling, have had to change their leadership and their situations have gone worse thereby. Rather than grumble, protest and complain, the Lord will rather we pray for all men particularly those whose actions will have some impact on our lives. Pray for our Pastors that they may serve green pastures and not poison from the pulpit; pray for those in government that they may make wise policies that will improve the livelihood of the people; pray for the judges that they will not be full of miscarriage of justice; pray for the military that they will not turn the guns against those they are called to protect, and so on. When we do this, we will start to see the results effortlessly and begin to enjoy the peace of God.


May the Lord touch the hearts of men on our behalf that we may be free from draconian policies and laws, in Jesus’ name. Everything that has been done that is causing us discomfort in society, may the Lord turn the same around today, in Jesus’ name. Every man in authority, that is in possession of the key to our destinies in the form of divinely dictated policies, may the same start to receive divine directive now, in Jesus’ name. Like the king could not sleep until Mordecai was blessed, may the Lord let that king in possession of the authority to lift us high, become restless until we are remembered for favor, in Jesus’ name. May such promotion dumbfound our detractors from today, in Jesus’ name.


SOLUTION: Rather than wage war against men, especially those placed in authority over us, let us pray to God who has their hearts and knows how best to make them favor us. When we do, then we will find peace and great tranquility in the place the Lord has placed us.



If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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