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Seek The Things Above

Focus: Colossians 3:1-2 - KJV

1. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.


Philippians 3:17-20


There is no one dead that still shows emotions. To show emotion is a display of still being alive to lust. In the meantime, lust is of the world and not of the kingdom. When we set our affections on things above, we are not lustful about possessions and things that perish. Rather, we set our minds on things in heaven that glorify. For things in heaven do not perish as they are well stored up and safe. For those whose affection are upon the earth, they mind such things as their fame and accomplishments, whereas as it pertains to Paul, he thought it a distraction to dwell on supposed past successes and called it dung. He was too focused on the Savior, Jesus Christ to allow himself to be distracted by the pride of life. Aside the pride that shows in many people today, many are known to engage in the things of the Kingdom for what would come to them monetarily. We have heard of preachers and ministers of the Gospel who have a minimum sum they are paid for attending programs including the ones organized by their own denomination. This is a wedge created by the devil to prevent such ministers from making heaven.


The waywardness of the Christian in not seeking things above but concentrating on things on earth is worsened by the Gospel ministers’ lusts. If the lusting will only affect them, it would have been better. But the same affects many, who are ordinarily God fearing. The sons of Eli, and also, the sons of Samuel, concentrated on worldly materials and failed to focus on things above. Indeed, they desecrated the Lord’s altar by their deeds but by extension, they caused many others to desist from honoring God with their offering. Meanwhile, in God’s doctrine, anyone that makes any of these young lads to sin should never have been born or should ask that a mill be tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea considering that which the Lord would do in return. God is against them that mislead His children. Hence, we are to ensure we seek the things in heaven as good examples to others. If we do otherwise, we may be misleading many others and pitching ourselves against the Most-High, by misleading His children. We are all pilgrims here on earth. We are from a heavenly kingdom. Our hearts should be more about home than the place where we are strangers.


The Lord will help us to keep our focus on the heavenly home, in Jesus’ name. Whatever may cause a derailment from making it to heaven, the Lord will take away from our paths in Jesus’ name. All our blessings shall be retained for us in Jesus’ name. We shall all be part of the heavenly choir in the end, in Jesus’ name. In all our doings, may we never be on the wrong side of the Consuming Fire, in Jesus’ name.


SOLUTION: Heaven is the goal of the believer. We need to prepare the place ahead by focusing on laying up our treasures there than upon the earth.



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