Focus: Luke 23:46 - KJV
46. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
Luke 23:44-46
Wherever darkness ravages, the Spirit is not able to operate. When Jesus, being Himself the embodiment of the Godhead, bore the sins of man, He was carrying the darkness that man brought upon the earth on Himself. The Spirit with which He was born was unable to operate while He bore darkness upon Himself. Rather than wish away darkness like He did in the beginning when He said “let there be light”, He did not, because He needed to pay the wages of sin, which is death. Yet, He needed the Spirit to reintroduce the light upon having the victory over darkness. Hence, He commended His Spirit unto the father, pending His coming out of darkness, in victory.
Whenever we allow darkness to overtake us, we make the Spirit of God with which we have been equipped with power, to be disconnected from our affairs. The man Samson, by some arrangement, had in himself the Spirit of power. Unfortunately, he got detached when he allowed himself to be overwhelmed by darkness on the laps of Delilah who cut his covenant hair. The Spirit got separated from him and so, he lost the power that made him a wonder to his folks and foes alike. His eyes were plucked to plunge him into utter darkness and he became a sport to his enemy.
The Lord needs us to realize today the effect of darkness over our relationship with the Spirit of God. He will rather that we abstain from darkness so that we may still be in constant affinity with the Spirit. It is the Spirit that brings light to our lives. It is by the Spirit that we are drawn out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. If then, we decide to head back into darkness, the Spirit will not struggle with us to not fulfil our free will. Let us therefore, be determined to stay in the light that the Spirit may remain on the prowl for our victory always in the light.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for your Spirit in my life. I pray today that you will not allow the Spirit to depart from me and that whenever I appear to be plunging into darkness, you will please draw me back to your light by your Spirit, in Jesus’ name. I prefer to be in the light and so, I submit myself to your Spirit to help me always, in Jesus’ name. Please let me not be overtaken with darkness ever, in Jesus’ name. Grant me life by your Spirit and let death and hell, be far from me, in Jesus’ mighty name.
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