Focus: John 5:28-29 - KJV
28. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29. And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Every day, myriads of people are dying and being buried, throwing their lovers into mourning and others into sorrowing. It is understandable when the loved ones of those who died in wickedness sorrow because, they may never meet them again upon their demise; but it is baffling when believers do the same when another believer sleeps in the Lord. One thing is certain: there is eternity and thereat, people will be sorted to where they belong. The earth would only receive to itself what belongs to it. Everyone shall resurrect and take a new body when the Lord shall come. At the resurrection, where we end up in eternity will depend on whose side we operate while living on earth. Those who live their lives in Christ will resurrect unto life eternal, while others will resurrect unto damnation. Those who end up in life will still be met with their loved ones who equally chose life; those who end up in damnation may never be seen again by their loved ones who chose life. It is possible for a loved one to have been living in wickedness but get converted to the way of life after the demise of the character in issue. The one who is so converted may be raptured into life eternal if he remains steadfast even after his deceased loved one has been resurrected into damnation.
The Lord is saying to us today to please chose life that we may end up in eternal life. For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Never allow the cares of the world to rob you of eternal life. There is nothing attractive in damnation, yet everyone who fails to choose life has voted for damnation.
SOLUTION: Please choose life today and be determined never to veer away into perdition, ever again. The narrow path is the way to life. Follow that way only.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for showing you the way of life through Jesus Christ our Lord
· Tell God to please sustain you in the way of life by His Spirit so that you may never fall away
· Pray for all your relatives and friends that the Lord will draw them unto the way of life and eventually give them also eternal life that you may dwell together ever more, hereafter
· Ask God to take away from you and your loved ones the care of this world that is aimed at derailing you from the way
· Ask God to give you the blessings that will strengthen you in the way
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