Focus: Exodus 33:17 - KJV
17. And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.
Exodus 33:12-17
There are many disciples of Christ, whom the Lord has preserved for this time to help in reorientating the Christian world by bringing them to the knowledge of the true Christ as against the misconceptions and some vanities that had been poured into them, which only made them to focus on earthly blessings and prosperity. Most of such disciples however, find it difficult to step forward because of the bragging of those who have been misleading the people, some of whom have bogged down these disciples, and have surreptitiously stolen part of their messages to preach, without really understanding what they preached of it or the real essence thereof. Meanwhile, God is faithful: whenever He sends a person on errand, He backs the same up with His Spirit to perform that for which he is sent. Incidentally, God knows all of His by name and will neither leave nor forsake them, even when trouble comes.
In the days of Elijah, there were at least Seven Thousand and One men available to God, who had not bowed their knees to Baal. Of all these, only Elijah had the faith to step forward having the confidence that God would back him up. If he did not step forward from hiding, gather the congregation of Israel, put together a sacrifice and then call fire down to consume it, he would have remained in limbo like the Seven Thousand others. Until he did, he remained in obscurity without being useful to his calling and purpose of God. No fearful person can in any way fulfill God’s calling and purpose. The maximum the Lord can do is to keep reassuring us just like He has been doing. Unless we step out in faith, we are not able to please Him. If we will put fear aside and do that which God has sent us, like He supported Moses, He would support us, to make us truly the fishers of men for His purpose.
Today, the Lord is beckoning on a user of this devotional to step forward in faith. When God is for us, even if anyone contemplates to be against us, the same is already a loser from the point of the contemplation. The Lord is saying there is greater potential in us than it was in Elijah and unless we step out believing Him, how would the same manifest? Let us therefore, with great determination, step forward from today. Elijah was not afraid to confront the king at his time and to even speak tersely to him. Who is the one before us roaring like a lion when we have with us the Lion of the tribe of Judah who knows and calls us by name? for as long as we know Him enough to follow His instructions to the letter, we have no cause to fear. Go and shine for Jesus.
SOLUTION: Do not stay another day in hiding. Come out of being in limbo. Put total reliance on God and not your personal ability. Be sure to do only the mandate of God and see Him show forth for you. Victory is ours; we are more than conquerors.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God who has ever had your back preventing you from falling prey to the enemy, for it is by His mercies that you have not been consumed
· Glorify God for being now your father and knowing you by name as well as making you to know Him at least to an extent
· Pray that the Lord will support you and grant you boldness in whatever assignment He has given to you
· Ask that from now on you may manifest great faith and show great signs and wonders better than Elijah and all others before you
· Ask for your daily bread today
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